News Center

Baking Soda is a Super Household Aid


Baking soda is a white crystalline powder, known as bicarbonate of soda or chemically known as sodium bicarbonate, and is very versatile and effective, yet gentle, environmentally ...

Household Cleaning Products could be Making You Sick


Perhaps you have had a sudden headache or became nauseous for no apparent reason while cleaning and wondered why; perchance your body is trying to tell you something is wrong with...

Butt jobs gone bad: Women have their rear ends injected with household caulk


Six New Jersey women ended up hospitalized after having their rear ends injected with bathroom caulk in low-budget buttocks-enhancing procedures. "Caveat emptor: Buyer beware," sa...

Baking Soda Offers Many Miraculous and Mundane Uses


A simple inexpensive substance, one that is found on grocery shelves and in many homes, has been rediscovered over recent years as a useful remedy or remedy adjunct for a variety ...